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WHAT ARE RAP'S GOALS?Raising Academic Performance, Inc. (RAP) identifies and assists students in achieving academic success in school by recruiting, training and providing volunteer mentors to motivate students to improve their academic performance, social skills and/or family relations. To motivate students to do well in school. To help students develop a positive image. To reduce the dropout rate. To provide paid tutors for students who meet specific qualifications. To provide scholarships for selected students.
HOW DOES RAP WORK?Students are referred to RAP by the classroom teacher and/or school counselor. Students may be selected for low academic achievement, or simply encouragement and support. Parents or guardians are required to sign a permission form before their child can participate in the program. Volunteers are trained in effective and empathetic listening, relating and encouraging. Trained and Qualified mentors are matched to students. The mentor visits with his/her assigned student for one hour each week only during school hours and on school grounds. During the visit, the mentor may help the student with school work, talk about what’s going on at school or with friends, and provide a strong, positive role model for the student. Discussion groups and awareness programs are held periodically to assist mentors.
How DOES RAP HELP?Students develop a more positive self-image through one-on-one interaction with a mentor. Students’ academic skills improve. RAP strengthens the bond between student, the school and the community.
WHO IS A RAP MENTOR?A person who cares about children and their education. Screened, qualified and trained individuals from different ethnic background and all segments of the community. A person with a positive self-image who is willing to offer a helping hand. An encourager, a guide, a facilitator, a friend, a giver and a guiding light.
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